Articles and interviews

Among the achievements of Katarzyna Kloskowska – Kustosz there is scientific literature and numerous press and media interviews, e.g. in Personel i Zarządzanie, Harvard Business Review, Gazeta Giełdy Parkiet, Polityka, Dziennik, Rzeczpospolita, CIO, Gazeta Business Center Club, Zwierciadło, Bluszcz, TVN style, TVN CNBC, TVP2, and many others.

Coaching menedżerski - gdzie tkwi źródło sukcesu a gdzie źródło porażki?

Coaching na początku wejścia na rynek traktowany z pewnym niedowierzaniem, obecnie stał się bardzo pożądanym na rynku narzędziem rozwojowym. Czasami przynosi on spektakularne efekty, czasami nic się nie zmienia, a czasami... organizacja traci coachowanego...

Dlaczego warto być silnym?

O tym, jak zbudować silne i odporne, a tym samym szczęśliwsze i odnoszące sukcesy pokolenie z Katarzyną Kloskowską-Kustosz, ekspertem w dziedzinie wypalenia zawodowego i coachingu, oraz Katarzyną Lorenc, liderem projektów nastawionych na wzrost efektywnoś...

Characteristics of mental toughness in the best salespeople

The profession of a salesperson is a profession in which efficiency is a measure of success and decides about a salesperson’s “to be or not to be” in a very clear manner. We were wondering, if due to the particularities of sales work, will salespeople hav...

Mental toughness and a position in an organization - what are the characteristics of people at various levels of hierarchy and what are challenges placed on us by generation Y?

A study on the Polish working population has shown, just as in the UK, a clear relationship between the level of strength and mental toughness, and the position within the organization. The higher position, the greater the strength and mental toughness, w...

Mental toughness of Polish employees - What distinguishes Polish employees and what they are looking in emigration?

A study on the overall mental toughness of Polish employees was conducted on a sample of 433 people from 50 organisations. The selection of the sample had an intentionally-random nature. In the first group were selected large and medium-sized enterprises....